• Toberni S Situmorang
  • Viktor Edison Hutagaol
Keywords: anaerobic baffled reactor, domestic wastewater, greywater,


Kecamatan Raya Kahaean is an area that rapidly developed due to development of economic sectors. The development on increasing population impact were directly proportional with an increase in waste water  production. Domestic waste water is composed by 50 – 80% greywater. Greywater are still discharged into the sewer by most people which result in sludge deposition, thereby reducing the volume of the channel as well as pollute the surface water that  characterized by the occurrence events such as eutrophication. Therefore, design of greywater treatment plant in Kecamatan Raya Kahaean is necessary. Greywater treatment unit is Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR). The chosen alternative technologies based on comparison process by considering the ease of operation and maintenance, financial aspects as well as the  availability  of  land.  Three   areas with dense population will be served which are Kedung Baruk, Penjaringan Sari, and Rungkut Kidul. According to calculation, the design of greywater treatment plant dimensions is  12,4  m  x  2,3  m  x  2,6  m  (length  x  width x depth). Minimum costs needed in construct  the  ABR  unit  is Rp 142.000.000,- and maximum costs needed is Rp 149.000.000,- for the typical service of 100 households. The construction costs are influenced by the  proposed  location  which is street or public land.


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