• Viktor Edison Hutagaol
  • Togar Parulian Sitio
Keywords: desalination, electrodialysis energi membrane cleansing, voltage


Membrane technology that is developed for desalination of brackish water is electrodialysis (ED). During electrodialysis process, there are some inhibitors as scale of ED membrane that affects the results of previous studies. Besides, previous studies about optimum voltage of ED still unknown to desalinate brackish water into become fresh water. Based of that problems, this research analyzes about electrodialysis process in desalination of brackish water into become fresh water which focused on effects of membrane cleansing and voltage. Purposes of this study are to analyze the effect of membrane cleansing and optimum voltage of ED process in desalination of brackish water into become fresh water. This study uses brackish water (TDS 2000±100 mg/L) on a laboratory scale. Variations of membrane cleansing which are cleaned with Chemical Cleaning Agents (CCA) and without CCA and variatons of voltage are 6, 9, and 12 V. Parameters in this study are TDS, salinity, Cl- concentration, and pH. The result of this study was found that membrane cleansing with CCA not only had no effect on performance of desalination but also had greater decrease of removal than cleansing without CCA in  all  parameters and voltage variations. The optimum voltage for ED in this study was 9 V. Variation with 9 V in membrane cleansing with CCA and without CCA has the greatest efficiency of desalination that the kWh/m3/% removed value was the least. Variation membrane cleansing with CCA has kWh/m3/% removed  value 7,23 and variation without CCA has kWh/m3/% removed value 4,45. The greatest efficiency of desalination is the least kWh/m3/% removed value that means minimum energy was consumed uses to remove the parameters efficiently.


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