• Desy Harianti
  • Faris Zuhair
Keywords: BMWP-ASPT, LISEC Score, water quality, macroinvertebrate, Saluran sungai drainage


The Saluran sungai channel is one of the primary drainage systems in Tebing Tinggi. Its water is categorized as the water class III based on Perda Tebing Tinggi number 2 (2004). In fact, most of a domestic wastewater along the Saluran sungai drainage flows into it. It causes a high possibility of water pollution to the channel. The environmental council (BLH) of Tebing Tinggi stated that the water quality level at the Saluran sungai drainage has already degraded. A routine monitoring to observe a water quality degradation level along the channel is needed.

Even though the council has undertaken a physicochemical monitoring, however, the biological method using BMWP-APT has not been applied yet. In this study, therefore, we implemented the physicochemical method and BMWP-ASPT in water quality analysis at the Saluran sungai drainage. Two aims of the study are first is to determine water quality based on physicochemical and biological methods using macroinvertebrate. Second is to find out the correlation between these two approaches when they are applied to observe water quality.

Our methodology is as follows: eight sampling points come from three river segments that are headwater, middle and downstream, were analysed in March 2019. It included of two sampling methods that are water sampling for physicochemical analysis and macro invertebrate sampling for biological analysis. In physicochemical analysis pH, temperature, turbidity, BOD, DO, ammonium and phosphate parameters were applied to measure water quality. Its result then was used to determine the water class condition after comparing to the class III water quality standard based on PP number 82 (2001) and Permenkes number 492 (2010).

Furthermore, LISEC Score is used to determine pollutant level based on water chemical parameter. Additionally, the biotic index of BMWP-ASPT was also utilised to assess water quality based on its biological parameter. In the biotic index assessment, an aquatic bioindicator which has high-level sensitivity in water quality changing applied. After that, the results of both experiments were examined by correlation analysis to determine their relationship to monitoring water quality at the Saluran sungai drainage. Theoretically speaking, these two methods have a correlation, however, in our analysis, they do not show the relationship.

The result shows that only temperature, pH, and ammonium parameters fulfil the water standard class III while, the turbidity parameter, BOD, DO, and phosphate parameters do not. Moreover, based on our LISEC Score analysis, the drainage indicated that it has a heavy water pollution level while BMWP- ASPT analysis reveals that the drainage has an average standard of the water pollution.


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