• Citra Pratiwi Sidebang
  • Faris Zuhair
Keywords: Azotobacter, bioremediation, chromium, contaminated soil, heavy metal


High rate of industrial growth has a considerable influence on the production of waste. Chromium contained industrial wastewater is toxic and carcinogenic. Bioremediation is one of chromium treatment techniques that is more economical than another treatment techniques. Bacteria is one of microorganisms used in bioremediation of chromium. Bacteria have an ability to living in and defending themselves against the exposure media of certain level of chromium concentration. This study was done to analyzed effect of adding Azotobacter to increased the removal efficiency of chromium on chromium contaminated soil.

Concentration of chromium and addition volume of Azotobacter is variables in this study. Concentrations of chromium that used (mg/L) were 50, 75, and 100. Addition volumes of Azotobacter are 0% and 15%. This study conducted in laboratory. Weight of soil that used in each reactor is 425 grams. Bioremediation treatment in each reactor conducted for 14 days. Total chromium, number of bacteria colonies, pH, temperature, and soil moisture were than analyzed. Total chromium analyzed 2 times, they are at the beginning and end of bioremediation treatment. Total chromium analyzed with AAS.

This study showed that the highest removal efficiency of chromium in reactor that was added 0% Azotobacter is 30.99%. The highest removal efficiency of chromium in reactor that was added 15% Azotobacter is 22,82%. It can be concluded that addition of Azotobacter into chromium contaminated soil have not increased removal efficiency of chromium. This is due to the number of bacteria in reactor that was added 0% Azotobacter higher than the number of bacteria in reactor that was 15% Azotobacter. These could be due to higher competition on nutrition fulfillment compared to reactor that was added 0% Azotobacter.


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